I'm a bit late posting this little number (number, get it?!), yes I really do need to laugh after what happened to me today!
So, I had my last dental appointment today (yay!). I was full of the joys of no more chair time and a spring was definitely in my step! Well I was a tad too bouncy and right in front of a full bus stop, I trip over absolutely nothing (by that I mean my own feet!) and it isn't one of these graceful lady falls, my lovely boyfriend tells me it was like watching a toddler going down: you can see it is going to happen and then all of a sudden they are in a heap on the floor and you just know the tears are coming! Boo hoo, I was that heap!
Now I have bruises absolutely everywhere (although, so does Simon as he had to practically carry me home!). Although at least I didn't bruise my right leg, the shiner I got from putting my foot through the bath hasn't quite gone from there yet! Don't even ask about that one!
Oooh I look back at what I have just written and it looks like I have been shouting with all those exclamation marks! There I go again! Okay, I will try and stop now.....
Anyway, back to the card, the reason I am late is I was trying to recover from my little trip (with bags of groceries I might add, I managed to break my fall on a Rolo desert). Again, back to the card, it is mostly papers from the sweet stack, which is pretty sweet.
Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to make it home without any incidents....